Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Macbeth Rehearsals

Hey Guys, hope everyone is enjoying their summer, but unfortunately school is around the corner. Which means rehearsals will be starting soon. That being said...

We have posted the tentative rehearsal schedule for Macbeth on the Officer calender. This should give you a good idea of what we will be doing each week. Now of course each day's rehearsal can be changed based on Sal's Discretion, so although we are giving you an idea of what the run will be like it is still imperative you check the call board everyday to make sure you know what will be rehearsed the following day.

Please, since you know the rehearsal schedule limit your conflicts, we will talk more about that at the first rehearsal and remember no conflicts during hell week

Any question feel free to email me PatMazzella@gmail.com

Have a great summer and see you all soon!

-the officers