Friday, August 29, 2008

Freshman Orientation, Street Fair, Macbeth

Hello all, well school is around the corner and things are starting up again. The First thing for the new school year is the New Student Orientation which will be Thursday September 4th at 3:00. If you don't remember from last year this is the day where we give a tour of the building to the On Tour Freshman. Please All Freshman this is mandatory that you come as it is incredibly beneficial for you to know all the workplaces of On Tour. And for all Crew Chiefs and Assistant Crew Chiefs it is also mandatory that you attend as you will need to explain the responsibility of your crew and your position on the crew.

The Merrick Street Fair is September sixth and and seventh from 10am to 4pm. This is a great opportunity for to get hours early in the school year. We have posted a sign up sheet in the room for anyone interested in attending the fair. Each work section is in two hours intervals and jobs that you will have to do include Handing out promo cards, working the booth, and selling t-shirts and raffles. Also we will have a face painting booth, if anyone knows how to face paint, please see and Officer within the first week of school to tell them. Once again if your interested in working the street fair we have posted a sign-up sheet on the Call Board, this is a great chance to get some Hours.

Letters of intent for Macbeth Assistant Stage Managers will be due September 10th, we have posted an envelope on the Call Board for anyone interested in applying for the position. All you need to do is submit a letter stating why you should be the Assistant Stage Manager. Please note that anyone in the cast cannot apply for this position and it is also open to any grade. Being an Assistant Stage Manager is a great way to get involved in the show. It will be mandatory for the Assistant Stage Manager to be at every rehearsal and take notes and blocking from each rehearsal. During the actual run of the show assistant stage managers will be back stage handling props and costumes. If you have any questions regarding the position of Assistant Stage Manager or the letter of intent for Assistant Stage Manager do not hesitate to talk to any of the Officers, or the Management for Macbeth.

See you all in a Week!

-The Officers