Monday, October 8, 2007

Post-Tech Day Review

Hey everyone,

For the most part, tech on Saturday went really well. We got a lot done and although we have a long way to go, we defnietly got a great head start.

However, there was one issue that needs to be addressed. We understand that everyone has to eat at sometime during the tech day. However, when tech is three hours (12:30-3:30) like it was on Saturday, there is no "lunch break". You are getting here at 12:30, so please eat before hand (obviously, Sr.s who took SAT's are exempt from this rule). A 45 minute lunch break kills a lot of vauable time, especially for such a short tech day.
Furthermore, the condition of our spaces was DISGUSTING at the end of Saturday's tech. There was garbage EVERYWHERE. Starbuck's Cups, Cookies, wrappers, etc... Some of it was picked-up last minute while we locked up, but there was still too much garbage, ESPECIALLY IN THE AUDITORIUM WHERE FOOD IS PROHIBITED!!!
Please please please please please clean-up your garbage. I know it can be put-off while working, but just as important as it is to build and do you work, is as important as it is to clean-up before you leave.