The following due dates were posted on the call board last week. SOME DATES HAVE BEEN CHANGED. All changes that have been made are to help YOU. Please read this WHOLE post and BE ON TIME!!!!
- LINES for BLOCKED SCENES DUE: Tuesday, 10/9
- CHARACTER ANALYSIS DUE (Soph., Jr., Sr.'s): Wednesday, 10/10
- CAST MONEY ($5 for Fresh., Soph., Jr.'s, $10 for Sr.'s and Management) DUE: Friday, 10/12
- ALL LINES DUE: Monday, 10/15
- CHARACTER ANALYSIS DUE (Freshmen*): Monday, 10/15
*Please note, extra time has been allotted for freshmen to finish their character analyses. This is so that they can approach any upperclassmen/the management/Sal with any questions they may have. Please note, a guide for completing this analysis is available for download from the downloads portion of the OTC website and on the shelf of papers by the call board in the room. A brief seminar will be held by Jazmin on Wednesday at 2:45 pm sharp to review with all freshmen (and underclassmen who are interested) how to write one.
Please note, all of these assignments (except the money), do count as part of your rehearsal grade you will receive for the first quarter. Points will be taken off for late analyses and un-prepared actors.
If you have any questions, please contact Jazmin, Liz, or Gaelle. Their screen names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers are on the management contact sheet distributed at the beginning of the rehearsal period.