Friday, February 15, 2013

Schedule for the week (2/16)- (2/23)

Saturday: 10-3 Tech
Wolf Chases (Wolves, Josh, Julia, Ian)
Beauty and the Beast Dance (Julia and Ian)

Tuesday (2/19):
Tech (10-12, 1-5, 630-930)
Christine, Will, Austein, Josh, Julia, with John

Wed (2/20):
Tech during Crescendo and Julia with John until 5
5-8 Human Again and Ensemble music brush up with John (FULL CAST)

Thurs (2/21):
Finish Belle and Gaston with Sal (FULL CAST) (3-6)
Tech Night (7)

Fri (2/22):
Human Again w/ Sal (FULL CAST), Mob Song/ Battle with Sal (FULL CAST), Dan, Rob, Julia, Ian with John
Tech Night (7)

Sat (2/23):
Tech 10-3
Blocking No Matter What (Julia/Josh), Me (Dan/Julia), Gaston/Beast Battle and Transformation (Dan, Julia, Ian)

Tech Nights are MANDATORY for the cast! NO CONFLICTS!
Stay Healthy and focused. 13 more school days!

Ask Ian or Rachel if you are not sure you are in a certain number.