Monday: 2:30 meeting for everyone going on the grand trip
3:00 man who came to dinner rehearsal pages 5-16: Kate, Rachel A, Jon, Cristina, Sean, Julia, Nicole, Farah, Jenna Z, Zach
Tuesday: grand ave trip 8th-9th period
3:00 auditions for holiday improv
3:00 rehearsal 1.2: Jenna Z, Kate, Cristina, Rachel A, Sean, Rachel B, Julia, Jon, Zach
Wednesday: 3:00 as you like it understudy rehearsal for everyone not in crescendo
5:00 man who came to dinner pages 16-22 tommy, Jenna Z, Steve, Koffler, Vinny, Steph
Thursday: TBA
Friday: 3:00 understudy rehearsal full cast
This is all subject to change depending on music auditions
Character analyses for man who came to dinner due 12/10
As you like it musical understudy rehearsal TBA
Understudy performance 12/10 at 3:45
Closing night 12/15
Spread the word so we can fill the seats!