Monday, October 10, 2011


we only have a few more scenes to block! wooo! this is what this week's schedule is roughly going to look like:

tuesday: rehearsal for those who handle weaponry with Mr. Smestad after school

wednesday: rehearsal for those who handle weaponry with Mr. Smestad after school

thursday: blocking the last few scenes **SPECIFIC SCENES TBA**

friday: blocking the last few scenes **SPECIFIC SCENES TBA**

I believe the last few scenes include 4.7, 5.1, and 5.2 but the specific order of which day which scenes will be blocked on will be decided upon tomorrow. People who are in Crescendo and need to be at Mr. Smestad's rehearsal will obviously need to come to tomorrow's rehearsal since they cannot attend on Wednesday. By Friday, if all goes as planned, the show will be fully blocked! You know what that mean....memorizing lines! Now that you know you're blocking it's time to learn your lines so that you can really work the scene during rehearsal. We all learn at different paces, so don't stress out, but just know that the show is coming up quite soon and we really need lines to be known as well as possible next week so that we can be prepared! There will always be stage managers and asm's on book during rehearsal - so don't be nervous about forgetting your lines or messing up! Don't forget about character analyses tomorrow! Freshman - you can hand yours in on Friday since some of you will need extra time to ask your mentors about how to complete the analysis properly! Remember cast money and makeup (and shoes soon, too!)

See you all tomorrow!! :)