Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Roles Added to the Cast of Hamlet!

There were still some roles left unclaimed as of Monday, but they were cast after read thru:

Voltimand will be played by Jamie Glickman
Cornelius will be played by Angelique D'Alessandro
The Clown Understudy will be played by Ben Lichy
The Captain will be played by Ben Lichy
The English Ambassador will be played by Adam Meyers
The Lord will be played by Jenna Zomback
The Gentleman will be played by Jenna Zomback (and any messenger)
The Sailor that speaks to Horatio will be played by Jon Leiner
The other Sailors will be played by Will Rosenblum, Adam Meyers, Robert Gallo, Connor Sheridan, and Sean Heverin
The Players will be played by Brianna Paoli, Farah Serur, Ben Lichy, Alix Kozin, and Sean Heverin
The Prologue Player will be played by Steph Mazzella
The Soldiers of Fortinbras' Army will be played by Will Roseblum, Robert Gallo, Connor Sheridan ( & Harley and Ben)