Sal's notes- straight from his phone (if you have questions, ask him)
3- 50's
Insert snake
2 more powered eon 10's & extension cords
Steven suit
Cops not double breasted
Off stage lines
Set carpet
Shoes ?? New shoes
Blocking superstitious
Brass bowl
Blouse & sweater
Tommy newsboy cap no tie windbreaker
Maternity top & skirt
Carriage goes in house
Mikes SR & L for lines
Stairs on platform for upper level
Wing masking ds r& left
White candy bag
Candy bit off Leave him one
Physical bits with sweaters and lines rushed Donna Marie Sammy
Sing chants not working
Narrator center Eddie Mrs j Mickey Sammy
Cowboy entrance
Cross fingers
Linda lose gun with kids
Little kid shoes not black
Leah in front of table exit too soon
He h
as to sing to you
Little kid random = big kid specific
Mrs J meet cop at door no knock
Country exterior clothes Lyons for move
Mickey arc stage Sunday after 1st verse
Ian hands Random choices
Mail hat & bag
Mrs don't look at Mickey until he asks what is it Dream quality
Dance local band not right
Move platforms during song
Freeze at end black out
Screw benches together for bus
Hat for Connor
Mickey sloppy school tie shirt out of pants
Gown open for posh teacher
Desks Come out in order
Chair missing school & desk
Belt Josh
School scene set up is school
Love ya not you
Don't tale jacket off Ed
Fourteen not thought out too random
Linda toss bag skirt too short
Fornicate to fast
Ed late entr must see him @ Linda
Eddie in nice windbreaker that guy
Mickey Mum not mom
Mrs Lyons exit too soon w Allen
Boos not bus
Coats for girls movie
Don't button bottom button
Cigarette bit 17
Alan enter us or ds bogey man
Mrs j weddin
Mad at ya not you
Priest surpluce stole cassock or vestments
Jacket austein no dark clothes for men
Eddie into his college life bragging
Must get serious and nieve
Hat tilt weirld
Eddie Linda alley way
Lyons friends on SR
Linda going to house after Edd
Fix blocking end
Wall come in for mrs Lyons
Change robbery to sl
Table in jail & bundle presets guard changes
Gliders for chest
Linda& mrs j ds
Pillow for chair
Knobs for chest
"Councillor " Eddie Lyons emphasize
Can't move furniture in front of her
Mrs j above? Light romance
Police positions guns
Police To soon on stage
Cover heads
Last positions?