Thursday, May 27, 2010

Little Theatre Times & Other Announcements

3-4 The Three Stooges
4-5 Amanda & Eli
5-6 Hannah
6-7 Alyssa & Allison
7-8 Amanda & Julia

11-12 Emily
12-1 LAM & James
1-2 Aly & Nicole
2-3 Lindsey

3-4 LAM & James
4-5 Emily
5-6 DBJ
6-7 Amanda & Julia
7-8 Amanda & Eli

2:30-3:30 Alyssa & Allison
3:30-4:30 Three Stooges
4:30-5:30 A & Amanda
5:30-6:30 Aly & Nicole
6:30-7:30 Joe & Jordan
7:30-8:30 DBJ

Memphis Money Is Due ASAP!!!
June 11th @ 8pm
Checks Made Out to Calhoun Drama Boosters & there are only around seven tickets left & it's first come, first serve!

Also, Letters of Intent for Assistant Director and Stage Manager are due tomorrow!!

And, the year is coming to an end. So, EVERYONE has to write down their hours, including your show and crew hours because the scribes should not have to do it for you!!
