Sunday, February 28, 2010

Announcements + Schedule


Conflict Policy: Tech Week begins on FRIDAY. This means no conflicts, no exceptions. Please ask your teachers for work in advance, and go to extra help this week instead of next week if possible. Latenesses and absences really slow us down, and they will not be excused except in the case of emergencies. This is On Tour policy, and failure to be prompt during Tech Week affects both your grade and your hours / Thespian points for the show.

Costumes Announcements: Every cast member MUST create a costume "cheat sheet" for the show. This lists each piece of your costumes, when you wear them, where you change, and if any are quick changes. A sample will be hung on the call board. These will be due some time in the next week, after the costume parade (date/time TBA). You are responsible for handing the management two copies, one for Sal and one for the costumes crew. Anyone who does not hand one in will not be receiving a grade in their drama average for the show.


*Tech can occur after school every day, plus Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights*


Blocking with Sal, 3-6 pm
(Emily, Amanda B, Amanda D, Joe, Ariella, Allen, Jordan, Jon)


Vocals with Bill, 3-5:30 pm & 6:30-9:30 pm

Dancing with Robert, 5:30-6:30 and 7:30-9:30 pm

(Those in "Polka" + "Dancin'" will be with Robert, the rest of the cast with Bill)


Leads with Bill, 3-5:30 pm

Running ALL scenes in Harmonia Gardens (2-2), 6:30-9:30 pm
(Including waiters!)


Vocals with Bill, 3-4:45 pm
Running numbers with Sal, 4:45-6 pm

Dancing with Robert, 7-10 pm
(Full cast)


Vocals with Bill, 3-4:15 pm

Costume Parade, 4:15-6:15 pm

Tech night, 7:15-10 pm


Full cast rehearsal (specifics TBA), approx. 11 am - 4 pm

(Please note that you MUST eat beforehand or bring lunch for a short lunch break. We do not have time to allow everyone to go out.)