September 1st - SETUP
1 - 5 pm. All crew chiefs & officers must report to the drama room at 1 pm to get things ready for the start of school. If you are a CC and cannot make it, please arrange for an ACC or crew member to replace you. Tech, costumes, lighting, and sound crews, in particular, should have as many people attend as possible. Please tell Amanda who will be attending from your crew. We want to get this over with during one day, so be prepared to work!September 3rd - On Tour Picnic!
All drama students for the 2009-2010 school year (new freshmen included) will hang out and welcome in the new year. 2-4 pm in Julian Lane Park; rain date Friday the 4th. RSVP on Facebook!Merry Wives of Windsor Cast
Remember that lines will be due very soon after school starts, so if you haven't already, start memorizing! Even if you do not have lines, you are expected to have read the script by the first day of school. If you have any questions/problems, you can contact Amanda, Alisa, Jon, or Emily.