Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Vacation Schedule :-(

I know this isn't idyllic, but some stuff has to get done over vacation.

Thurs (tomorrow)- Tech- TBA (Waiting for Sal to let us know if he'll be home early enough to have tech... check back later...)

Fri.- REHEARSAL- 12:30-5:00pm, There will be no lunch break so make sure you eat before you come.- Running full company numbers w/ Sal and Bill.

Sat.- Tech- 10:30-3:30- We have a lot to do so if you can come, please try to.

This was all announced at rehearsal on Friday, so it shouldn't be too much of a shock to anyone. If there are any NEW conflicts, please contact LINDSEY b/c Amanda is on vacation.

Remember, we have so little time to put up this show. There is a lot of work to be done. Honestly, the state of the show isn't too bad. I think we are a lot further along than we would normally be at this point in time, but then we also loose a lot of momentum we were building up with this vacation. From the parts that I wasn't in and was able to watch, the show looks like it has so much potential. The scene changes need work, the acting of the beggar's needs work, the enthusiasm, the memorization, etc... all needs work. Friday was our first run-through and for the first time, it was pretty good. The basics are there. But overall, I feel like there is a lack of commitment to the piece. I don't mean time wise, I mean emotionally... no commitment to the piece as actors to make it work and seem realistic. I know it's boring sitting and watching the entire show from the stage, but at least try to make it more fun for yourselves by playing your beggar character. I know there is still some confusion about what you guys are supposed to be doing on the sides of the stage, what emotions you are feeling as the beggars... If you have ANY QUESTION, please do not hesitate to ask an A.D. - that's what we're here for. If we all stay as focused as we can for the next bunch of rehearsals, this show will be amazing. Keep working hard, keep pushing through and this will work! Enjoy the rest of your vacation, everybody. You all deserve it!