Thursday, October 4, 2007

Misc. Crew Info. and UPCOMING EVENTS

Applications for the NEW Computer Crew are now being accepted in the envelope on the callboard. They are due on Tuesday 10/9 by 2:45 pm.

Anyone interested in being on the props crew must do/have done the following:
1) Attended the props workshop held by Mr. Haiber last Saturday.
2) Take and pass the props crew examination (More info TBA).
3) Apply in the envolope posted on the board (will be hung once exams have been administered and given back).

If you have any questions, please see Jeff.

- Homecoming parade on Saturday, 10/13. Meet at the train station (in front of the movie theater) at 11:30. Dress in Calhoun attire. Hours will be given to the most spirited people. (face paint, hair spray, etc...) Hours will also be given to people who make posters that are colorful and say anything about Calhoun and/or On Tour (all good-spirited and fun). A max of 2 hours will be given to those who would like to march, but marching IS NOT MANDATORY!
Rehearsal and tech will take place after the parade, so do not plan on attending the game.