Evaluations are mandatory for all to attend. You MUST be on time for your appointment. You must arrive beforehand. Hours will be deducted for lateness. If you need to change your appointment slot due to alegitimate conflict, please see Brenda by this Thursday, 9/12, otherwise you are bound to your time slot.
Evaluations will be held Monday, September 16.
3:30- Joshua Aberman
3:35- Vonn Brickmeier
3:40- Ryan Dziedziech
3:45- Nicole Fegan
3:50- Blake Fisher
3:55- Paige Gittleson
4:00- Alexander Greenwald
4:05- Lauren LaMagna
4:10- Brandon Lax
4:15- Rachel Leiner
4:20- Becca Lewis
4:25- Bianca Liriano
4:30- Noel Mahabir
4:35- Amanda Marino
4:40- Michael Multer
4:45- Rachel November
4:50- Noelle Perrone
4:55- Kat Ratner
5:00- Jamie Rosner
5:05- Maribel Sabino
5:10- Peter Sideris
5:15- Allie Soel
5:20- Sanara Ehrlich
5:25- Ashley Starr
5:30- Gwyn Vaughn
5:35- Lori Zomback