CC Meeting
Today in the choir hallway! Be there!
Elections will be held WEDNESDAY, 5/12, at 2:45 pm in the choir room. All Thespians, including this year's inductees, are eligible to vote. Please be on time so we can end early.
Shakespeare Auditions
Auditions will be on Tuesday (5/18) at 3:00 pm in the Little Theatre. If you cannot make that date, your only other chance is Wednesday (5/19), the same day as the 8th grade Shakespeare auditions. If neither of these dates work for you, you MUST see Sal.
Remember that every student (non-senior) in On Tour must audition. You have an option to be considered for casting or just to do so for the class grade, but everyone has to do it. Please prepare a 16-line or more speech, comedic or dramatic.
Today in the choir hallway! Be there!
Elections will be held WEDNESDAY, 5/12, at 2:45 pm in the choir room. All Thespians, including this year's inductees, are eligible to vote. Please be on time so we can end early.
Shakespeare Auditions
Auditions will be on Tuesday (5/18) at 3:00 pm in the Little Theatre. If you cannot make that date, your only other chance is Wednesday (5/19), the same day as the 8th grade Shakespeare auditions. If neither of these dates work for you, you MUST see Sal.
Remember that every student (non-senior) in On Tour must audition. You have an option to be considered for casting or just to do so for the class grade, but everyone has to do it. Please prepare a 16-line or more speech, comedic or dramatic.